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- /*
- Normal.c
- statistical functions related to the normal distribution.
- Copyright (c) 1989,1990,1991,1992 Denis G. Pelli
- 1989 dgp wrote it.
- 4/8/90 dgp changed the names of the routines.
- Made sure that domain error produces NAN.
- 6/90 dgp added NormalSample()
- 7/30/91 dgp now use NAN defined in VideoToolbox.h
- 12/28/91 dgp sped up NormalPdf() by calculating the scale factor only once
- 12/29/91 dgp extracted code to create new routine UniformSample.c
- 1/11/92 dgp rewrote Normal()'s polynomial evaluation to halve the number of multiplies
- Renamed NormalPDF() to NormalPdf().
- 1/19/92 dgp defined the constants LOG2 and LOGPI in VideoToolbox.h
- Added more domain tests, returning NAN if outside.
- Added more checks to main().
- Wrote Normal2DPdf(),Normal2D(),InverseNormal2D(),and Normal2DSample().
- 2/1/92 dgp Redefined Normal2DPdf(r) to now, more sensibly, treat r as the random
- variable, rather than the implicit x and y, where r=sqrt(x^2+y^2).
- Previously, Normal2D(R)=Integrate[2 Pi r Normal2DPdf(r),{r,0,R}]
- now Normal2D(R)=Integrate[Normal2DPdf(r),{r,0,R}]. There is no change
- in Normal2D(). I suspect that Normal2D is in fact the Raleigh distribution,
- and I will rename it if this is in fact the case.
- 11/13/92 dgp InverseNormal(0.0) now returns -INF, and InverseNormal(1) returns INF.
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #if 0
- #include <sane.h>
- extended DoubleToExtended(double x);
- double ExtendedToDouble(extended x80);
- void main()
- {
- double x,y,sum,dx,a,b,mean,sd;
- static double z[1000];
- int i;
- extended e,ee;
- Require(0);
- srand(clock());
- printf("%4s%15s%15s%20s%15s\n","x","NormalPdf(x)","Normal(x)","InverseNormal","Error");
- for(x=-4.0;x<=4.0;x+=2.0){
- printf("%4.1f%15.8f%15.8f%20.4f%15.4f\n",
- x,NormalPdf(x),Normal(x),InverseNormal(Normal(x)),InverseNormal(Normal(x))-x);
- }
- sum=0.0;
- dx=0.001;
- for(x=-1.;x<0.;x+=dx)sum+=NormalPdf(x);
- sum*=dx;
- sum-=Normal(0.0)-Normal(-1.0);
- printf("Partial integral of NormalPdf error %.5f\n",sum);
- for(i=0;i<1000;i++)z[i]=NormalSample();
- mean=Mean(z,1000,&sd);
- printf("1000 samples mean %.2f sd %.2f\n",mean,sd);
- printf("\n");
- printf("%4s%15s%15s%20s%15s\n","x","Normal2DPdf(x)","Normal2D(x)","InverseNormal2D","Error");
- for(x=-1.;x<=5.0;x+=1.0){
- printf("%4.1f%15.8f%15.8f%20.4f%15.4f\n",
- x,Normal2DPdf(x),Normal2D(x),InverseNormal2D(Normal2D(x)),InverseNormal2D(Normal2D(x))-x);
- }
- sum=0.0;
- dx=0.0001;
- for(x=0;x<1.;x+=dx)sum+=Normal2DPdf(x);
- sum*=dx;
- sum-=Normal2D(1.0);
- printf("Partial integral of Normal2DPdf error %.5f\n",sum);
- for(i=0;i<1000;i++)z[i]=Normal2DSample();
- mean=Mean(z,1000,&sd);
- printf("1000 samples rms %.2f\n",sqrt(mean*mean+sd*sd));
- printf("\n");
- for(i=0;i<1000;i++){
- x=NormalSample();
- y=NormalSample();
- z[i]=sqrt((x*x+y*y)/2.);
- }
- mean=Mean(z,1000,&sd);
- printf("1000 (x,y) normal samples with sd 2^-0.5 have rms hypotenuse of %.2f\n",sqrt(mean*mean+sd*sd));
- printf("\n");
- a=4.0*atan(1.0);
- if(a!=PI)printf("4*atan(1)-PI %.19f\n",a-PI);
- a=ExtendedToDouble(pi());
- if(a!=PI)printf("Error: pi %.19f, pi-PI %.19f\n",a,a-PI);
- a=log(a);
- if(a!=LOGPI)printf("Error: log(PI) %.19f, error in LOGPI %.19f\n",a,LOGPI-a);
- a=log(2.0);
- if(a!=LOG2)printf("Error: log(2) %.19f, error in LOG2 %.19f\n",a,LOG2-a);
- }
- #endif
- double NormalPdf(double x)
- /* Gaussian pdf. Zero mean and unit variance. */
- {
- if(IsNan(x))return x;
- return exp(-0.5*(x*x+(LOG2+LOGPI)));
- }
- double Normal(x)
- double x;
- /*
- Cumulative normal distribution. From Abramowitz and Stegun Eq. (26.2.17).
- Error |e|<7.5 10^-8
- */
- {
- register double P,t;
- if(x<0.0) return 1.0-Normal(-x);
- t=1.0/(1.0+0.2316419*x);
- P=(0.319381530+(-0.356563782+(1.781477937+(-1.821255978+1.330274429*t)*t)*t)*t)*t;
- return 1.0-NormalPdf(x)*P;
- }
- double InverseNormal(double p)
- /*
- Inverse of Normal(), based on Abramowitz and Stegun Eq. 26.2.23.
- Error |e|<4.5 10^-4.
- */
- {
- register double t,x;
- if(IsNan(p))return p;
- if(p<0.0)return NAN;
- if(p==0.0)return -INF;
- if(p>0.5) return -InverseNormal(1.0-p);
- t=sqrt(-2.0*log(p));
- x=t-(2.515517+(0.802853+0.010328*t)*t)/(1.0+(1.432788+(0.189269+0.001308*t)*t)*t);
- return -x;
- }
- double NormalSample(void)
- {
- return InverseNormal(UniformSample());
- }
- double Normal2DPdf(double r)
- /* Gaussian pdf over two dimensions. */
- /* The argument is taken to be the distance from the origin, [0,Inf]. */
- /* The rms is 1 */
- {
- if(IsNan(r))return r;
- if(r<=0.0)return 0.0;
- return 2*r*exp(-r*r);
- }
- double Normal2D(double r)
- /* Integral of Normal2DPdf() from zero to r. */
- {
- if(IsNan(r))return r;
- if(r<=0.0)return 0.0;
- return 1.0-exp(-r*r);
- }
- double InverseNormal2D(double p)
- {
- if(IsNan(p))return p;
- if(p<0.0 || p>1.0)return NAN;
- return sqrt(-log(1.0-p));
- }
- double Normal2DSample(void)
- /* rms is 1 */
- {
- return InverseNormal2D(UniformSample());
- }